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Craig Williams
3 min read
Why can't you make my life easier!
People don’t make life easy! During my journey of enlightenment – my quest to learn as much as I can about voiceover – it seems there are...
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Craig Williams
4 min read
Don't let them take away your creativity!
Carl was on the wrong side of 40 when he decided it was time rediscover his creative spark. He had started his young life with a vivid...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
What makes you stand out?
What do you think makes you stand out? We work in such a subjective industry. Whether it is for an agent or a P2P, we spend a...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
Let it go, Let it go.....
What’s stopping you from really letting go? This is a really tough question to answer for many people. Believe me, I was the same. Many...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
Suck it up Buttercup!
The business of voice over is hard. Like many other creative endeavors, you are a Freelancer in the open market. There can be thousands...
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Craig Williams
2 min read
Dare you enter the Comfort Zone?
The Comfort Zone. Sounds like really nice place to be. All cozy, welcoming and a place that encourages the wearing of your most...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
I want to learn...Stop making it so bloody difficult!
Investing in training and development is an important part of any business. Unfortunately, sometimes it can be very difficult to know who...
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Craig Williams
5 min read
Dream maps are the new best thing!
How does the word “goals” make you feel? When I was growing up it meant kicking a ball into the back of the net and performing an...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
Can't see the forest for the trees?
Are you too close to your work that you might have lost some perspective on how you approach things? This is a question that you should...
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Craig Williams
2 min read
99 percent of all statistics only tell 49 percent of the story
Recently, a certain well-known Pay 2 Play website made some changes to their dashboard that now allows you to see your statistics for...
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Craig Williams
5 min read
Instructional design from a learners perspective
E-learning is a passion of mine. In my previous career I was an electrical engineer that worked in the offshore Oil & Gas sector. I have...
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Craig Williams
3 min read
Are you a social media narcissist?
It seems a little contradictory that I promote my blog on Social Media. As of 4 weeks ago, I decided to remove all social media from my...
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Craig Williams
4 min read
We are not worthy...or are we???
Life can be a bit of a pain in the ass. Trying to build a successful business as a voiceover is like hemorrhoids! It’s a constant...
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Craig Williams
6 min read
Trying to be someone else?
OK, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. It’s all well and good spending all of our time talking about the business side of voice...
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Craig Williams
4 min read
Let's do it in reverse!
OK. Now that the 4th of July weekend is out of the way, I have no excuses to not write a better blog. The pressure is palpable! I got a...
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Craig Williams
7 min read
If you're the smartest person in the room.....
The problem about having a weekly blog is that you have to come up with new stuff every week. This is made especially difficult when you...
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Craig Williams
6 min read
Be the guide....
Marketing. What does it actually mean? Well, according to Google it is a noun that describes the action or business of promoting and...
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Craig Williams
6 min read
The business of business Part 1
What the hell has business knowledge got to with Voice Over? Why do I need to be on the first page of Google? I’m an actor, somebody else...
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Craig Williams
5 min read
Ooooh, must buy shiny things!
Q. Which mic should I buy? A. Treat your room properly first Q. Yeah, I know, but which mic should I buy. They’re cool and shiny and will...
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Craig Williams
5 min read
Do it your way!
So, let’s pick up from where I left off (if you didn’t read my first blog in this series then I am offended. You have truly hurt my...
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