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Stop seeking approval!

Writer's picture: Craig WilliamsCraig Williams

Are you looking for recognition? Praise? Approval? If so, voice over may be the wrong profession for you. Sending your best auditions into the ether and never hearing back. Being selected for a call back and then not getting job. Being put on a hold only to be released the day before the session. This industry is brutal and if you are looking for someone to be your constant cheerleader then you many be looking in the wrong places.

Social media is not the answer. Voiceover is a supportive community. But if you think the best of the best are going to take time out of their day to critique you and pat you on the back for your shiny new demo that you posted on Facebook……think again. In most cases it will be budding new talent who comment whilst they were checking if anyone had left a comment on their demo!

I’ve been shortlisted! This can be a really deep hole that you can get yourself in. Many of the big online casting sites give the visibility of whether you have been shortlisted by the client or not. On the face of it, this is a remarkably interesting thing to know. But it shouldn’t be to fulfil your need for recognition. It should be an indication as to whether you are competitive or not. I used to be guilty of this. Constantly monitoring my likes and thumbs up and getting that endorphin kick when it’s good and feeling like absolute crap when they don’t come for days! It’s a time suck and it can be extremely demoralizing. You need to stop it. Check your auditions once a week and only to see if your ratio of likes to listen is within the boundaries of your expectations. You should be doing the best that you can in your auditions with freedom. You shouldn’t be looking for likes or thumbs up. Booking the job is the only thumbs up that counts.

Please like my posts! If you post on social media and are constantly checking to see how many likes or comments you have received, please see above. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever. They are all designed to get you addicted to that endorphin buzz when you receive a notification that someone has liked or commented on your post. TURN OFF NOTIFICATIONS on your phone. Set specific times of the day that you check in on social media and limit your interaction time. This can be seriously detrimental to your productivity and overall mental health. When you post, send and forget, unless you are asking a question.

And on a positive note. The reason I am telling you this is because I was guilty of all of the above. I wanted to feel wanted. I yearned for any indication that I was doing well. I wanted approval. Since stopping, the relief and freedom it has given me is unmeasurable. My auditions have a much better creative freedom. My decisions are more natural, and I don’t make them based on what I perceive other people will think. I do the best I can and then send and forget. It is one of the most freeing feelings you can get as a creative. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised.

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Voice of Shaun
Voice of Shaun
Apr 01, 2021

This is fantastic...and so true. I think all of us (myself included) fall into this from time to time if we allow it to. Even if you're not obsessed with getting the likes and comments, it just kind of starts to manifest itself if you don't make intentions to avoid it. What a great reminder this is to make sure that we know what our goals are and that we take the best path to reach those goals. :) Thanks for sharing!

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
Apr 05, 2021
Replying to

Thanks for the great reply Shaun. It is appreciated.


Jon Gardner
Jon Gardner
Mar 31, 2021

Craig, nice post, and a valid point to be sure. There is a certain amount of affirmation that is healthy and useful, and let's be honest, we all crave it. To give us confidence, to assess whether we are on the right track and to correct us if not. The trick is to not rely on it or let it become a distraction. Well said!

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
Apr 05, 2021
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Jon. You are correct. It's the not relying on it on yearning for it that is the hard part!


Joshua Alexander
Joshua Alexander
Mar 31, 2021

Great post! I once wrote a blog post titled "Stars, Listens and Likes Oh My!" - you can't hang your hat on every single audition, and you can't steer your life by the rearview mirror. You have to keep moving on and get past waiting on approvals and likes and thumb-up and shortlistings. Totally agree with this one!

Craig Williams
Craig Williams
Apr 05, 2021
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Thanks for the reply Josh. Record, send and forget. Move on to the next opportunity. We are on the same wavelength!

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